Cleaning products come and go but sometimes, nothing works better than a good old-fashioned remedy! Check out these unusual “solutions” from the 1800’s!

Window & glassware – put a drop or two of ammonia in water….that’s it!

Tea stain on china – just add salt and vinegar. Let sit until stain is gone.

Burned tea pot – Half fill with cold water, and then add a whole onion unpeeled until soft.

Unvarnished black walnut – take a soft flannel cloth (tear up those old jammies!) and dip in milk. Rub until shiny.

Stained knives – Cut a thick slice from a raw potato, dip in salt and rub the knife blade. Stain and rust will disappear!

White spots on varnished furniture – hold a hot iron over the stain for one minute.

Grease stains on carpet – Cover spot with fine flour, and push into carpet with a paper towel. Sweep up flour and repeat until all the grease is absorbed.

To brighten carpet – mix equal portions of cornmeal and salt, sprinkle on carpet and vacuum.

Slate hearths – use a clean cloth and warm water to remove dirt. Let dry. Buff with linseed oil. Grease spot will never show.

Try these interesting and fun ideas the next time you have a cleaning challenge – you just may save a trip to the grocery store and a few dollars!