Marble flooring has become one of the hottest new materials on the market – an for the extra extravagant (and bigger budgets!) marble staircases are at the top of the wish list. The elegant and natural beauty of marble offers a luxurious, sleek and graceful look which dates back to the glamorous movies of old Hollywood. Who wouldn’t feel like Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers walking down a staircase made of this elegant natural stone?
In addition to the natural beauty that marble possesses, marble is also a much sought after material because of it resistance to fire, as well as its natural strength and hardness. It’s not just beautiful, it is strong too! And you won’t have to worry about stains like you would with a carpet runner – Marble also possesses a rigidness that resists most stains.
And, to keep you’re sought after marble stair case at its beautiful best, don’t use bleach or any acidic based cleaners – A damp cloth or mop is the best way to remove any dirt or dust. So…not only is a stone stair case luxury at its finest, it’s also easy to maintain. Just one MORE reason your Rite-Loom designer should help you fabricate the marble staircase of your dreams!