Why hide all of your pretty dishware behind cabinets?  Display shelves – an always popular trend – provides double duty as storage and a design element for your kitchen or dining room.  A budget friendly update, too, taking down your current cabinets is pretty easy to do.  Putting up new shelves is even easier!  For a simple and quick update, even removing just one cabinet door will allow you to display a special collection.  And,  don’t forget the top of the cabinets.  If you have the space, remove those dust gathering silk plants and outdated knick-knacks and replace with an eye-catching group of bottles, bowls or vases in a variety of shapes and colors. 

For book-shelves, there is no better time than the holidays to take the time to clean out and rearrange your shelving.  Make room for seasonal accessories by editing unused books, then choosing one color scheme for art items, baskets or photos you would like to display.  Remember to keep things interesting by mixing up shapes and sizes.

Tip:   Obviously, rearranging shelving is a great time to do a deep clean. 

  • Start by removing items and omitting items you no longer want to display. Put what you want to save in one box – per shelve.
  • Clean each shelve with water and a professional cleaner – grease and dirt build up so put some elbow grease into it.
  • Start at the top and work down.
  • Let dry thoroughly.
  • Dust/clean all items before you put them back on the shelve.


  • High moisture shelves (kitchen and bath) need to be cleaned more often.
  • Dust shelves once a week to reduce the need to deep clean.

Violla!  Three quick and easy shelving projects that can change the entire look of a space.