Bring in the New Year from some fresh ideas by Rite-Loom. Why not kick off the beginning of another decade with some sprucing up of the old homestead? Here are some great tips from some of today’s hottest designers:

(and don’t forget that at Rite-Loom, we have a FULL STAFF of professional designers who can take your ideas and make them reality!)

  • Look for colors “drawn from life” – glimmer and the glint from metal, deep tones in grey like a stone drenched in water, or calming hues in soft greens and blues
  • Think texture! Mix soft fibers with sturdy tweeds. Go for the comfort of thick frieze carpet and match it with warm wood shutters. Create interest by selecting materials that have personality.
  • Make a statement. Remember that sofa that you fell in love with but passed by because it was purple? Or that area rug with that crazy zebra pattern? You loved those pieces for a reason! Buy what you love and you will never regret it!
  • Go green. It’s easy now with so many different natural products on the market. Make a difference at home and you’ll feel good about creating a healthier environment for your family.
  • HAVE FUN! Design is more about creating a look that reflects the personality of the owner – not just tear sheets out of a magazine. Find a style that makes you smile!